3.2.8. Log Analyzer

"Explore the Log Analyzer feature in AeroGCS Config to review, analyze, and download flight logs for in-depth performance insights and diagnostics."

3.2.8. Log Analyzer

The "Log Analyzer" in AeroGCS Config is a feature that allows users to review and analyse flight logs and data generated during drone operations. It provides insights into the drone's performance, troubleshooting, and diagnostics.

On this particular screen, you will have the capability to download log files associated with your drones.

To access the Log Analyzer section within RPA settings, navigate to RPA Settings, and then select Log Analyzer. You will be presented with the following screen.

Download Log Files:

This screen provides the option to download log files in the .bin format from your vehicle/drone. By clicking the "Download Log File" button, you will be directed to the following screen, which will be displayed on your device.

If you cannot view the log files, simply click the "Refresh" button to update the list of available log files.

Download Signature

You can download the signature by clicking the "Download Signature" button and select the log file you want to download by clicking the "Download" button.

Note: Signature file is downloaded of secure firmware only.

Before downloading the signature, please ensure that your vehicle is landed and disarmed, as indicated in the following figure.

Click the "Yes" button to proceed with downloading the signature. It will download the signature.

Download .bin Log file

To download the log file in .bin format, click the "Download" button. This action will present you with the following screen, indicating that the log file has been saved at a specific location, as shown in the following figure.

Click on OK Button to continue.

Analyze Log file

To analyze a log file, you need to browse for and open the .bin file, as demonstrated in the following screen.

Click the "Open" button to open the selected file in the Log Analyzer. Once the log file is opened, the Log Analyzer will be displayed on your screen, as illustrated in the following figure.

Now you can analyze your logs on this screen.

On the right-hand side of the screen, you'll find options. Click on these options to display them on the analyzer graph, and then you can start analyzing the data.

In terms of analyzing the drone flight log, these options represent:

- Show MODE: Display the flight mode information.

- Show EVENT: Show events and important occurrences during the flight.

- Show Error: Highlight and display any reported errors or issues.

- Cursor Values: Present values corresponding to cursor positions on the graph.

- GPS Trailing: Visualize the GPS data trail on the graph.

- Data Table: Access a table containing detailed data points for analysis.

Additionally, by clicking on the parameters listed on the right-hand side of the screen, you can display the values for those specific parameters on the analysis graph for further examination.

After you've completed your log analysis, click on the "<-" back arrow located at the top left corner of your screen to return to the RPA settings.

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