3.2.6 Advanced Settings

"Dive into advanced configurations within AeroGCS Config for precision and customization."

3.2.6 Advanced Settings

This comprehensive list includes parameters that can be configured to control the behaviour of the vehicle. These parameters are stored in the vehicle's persistent storage. It's important to note that this list is automatically generated from the source code and may contain parameters that have not yet been included in stable released versions of the code.

Safety measures such as RC Loss, Geofence Violation, and various other checks, including attitude triggers and failure detectors, can trigger flight termination and, subsequently, parachute deployment. During flight termination, PWM outputs will be set to "failsafe" values. Failsafe values are designed to turn off motors but can also be used to activate or trigger the parachute. If a properly connected parachute is available, a command will be sent to activate it.

This tab provides the ability to view and modify, if necessary, the values associated with different parameters. These details include information such as the parameter's current value, acceptable range, available options, and a description, as illustrated below.

Step 1. Access Advanced Settings

To access Advanced Settings, go to RPA Settings and then select Advanced Settings, where you will be presented with the following screen.

On the provided screen, you can modify advanced setting parameters, import existing advanced setting files to apply parameter configurations, and export current advanced settings to save them for future use on your system. These actions will be explained in the following steps.

Step 2 Browse and import from the .param file.

Click on the "Browse" button, which will open a dialog box for selecting a .param file. Use this dialog box to locate and choose the desired .param file, as demonstrated on the screen displayed on your device.

Click the "Open" button, and a dialog box will appear, asking for confirmation to proceed with uploading the parameters. The message will be, "Do you want to start uploading parameters?" as displayed on the following screen.

Proceed by clicking the "Yes" button to confirm or "No" to cancel. Upon confirmation, you will be presented with a screen indicating that the parameters have been uploaded successfully.

Finally, click on the OK Button to finish it.

Step 3. Export Advanced Parameter

You can store and share your existing advanced parameter settings by exporting them to a .param file.

To share or export these parameters and settings with other users, simply click the "Export" button, as demonstrated in the screen displayed below.

The screen displays a message dialog box indicating that the parameter file has been saved at a specific location, typically where the .param file is downloaded and stored on your device.

Click on the OK Button to proceed. The. param file will be downloaded that can be easily read by the user.

Step 4. Search and Update Parameters

1: Searching for Parameters

  • Enter a specific parameter in the provided search window to find matching parameters.

  • The screen will display a list of parameters that match the search string.

As illustrated in the screen displayed

Section 2: Modifying and Updating Parameters

  • Once the list of matching parameters is displayed, select a particular parameter.

  • To modify the value of the chosen parameter, click on it and make the necessary changes.

  • Save the updated value by clicking the "Update" button.

As illustrated in the screen displayed

This action will update the selected parameter's new value in the RPA settings.

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