Safety Settings
"Explore crucial battery safety settings to ensure the secure and optimal performance of your devices." Safety Settings:
The AeroGCS Config offers a range of safety settings, which you can view on the displayed screen below.
i. Battery Settings:
In this Section, there are three settings:
a. Battery failsafe Trigger
b. Failsafe Trigger
c. RC Threshold
a. Battery Failsafe Trigger:
This area configures the Battery Failsafe parameters. You can establish low and critical thresholds for voltage and/or remaining capacity, along with the corresponding actions when these thresholds are crossed. You can disable the thresholds by setting them to zero. Configuration options include different options you can select or set appropriate options:
Within this section,
Step 1. Simply choose the appropriate Low Action from the dropdown list. Then, set the values for the low voltage threshold and low mAh threshold.
Choose a value for the low action from the options: None, Land, RTL, Smart RTL, Smart RTL, or Land. Then, proceed to terminate.
Low voltage threshold - Battery voltage that triggers the low action.
Low mAh threshold - Battery capacity that triggers the low action.
Step 2. Similarly, select an option from the critical action dropdown and establish the values for the critical voltage threshold and critical mAh threshold.
Choose a value for the Critical action from the options: None, Land, RTL, Smart RTL, Smart RTL, or Land. Then, proceed to terminate.
Critical voltage threshold - Battery voltage that triggers the critical action.
Critical mAh threshold - Battery capacity that triggers the critical action.
Step 3. Finalize by clicking the Update button to apply the changes.
b. Failsafe Trigger:
Within this section, it's essential to set or choose suitable values for Ground Station failsafe, Throttle failsafe, and PWM failsafe. Once you've configured these values, click on the Update Button to transmit the parameters to the device, just as demonstrated in the screen below.
Ground Station Failsafe: Disabled, Enable RTL, Enable Continue Mission in Auto Mode, Enable
c. RC Threshold:
To establish the RC threshold, click the "Set" button. Follow the on-screen instructions to finalize the process of setting the RC threshold by setting appropriate values. As shown in the following screen flow.
ii. Return to Launch (RTL):
In this section, you can configure settings related to Return to Launch (RTL). The available options for RTL are displayed on the following screen.
Step 1. Adjust the RTL option by toggling the enable and disable switch provided. If necessary, set suitable values for return altitude, loiter above home, and landing speed.
Step 2. Select the "Update" Button to apply and update the RTL values.
iii. Geofence:
This setting section enables you to configure and adjust settings for both GEOFENCE and FENCE.
a. Geofence Setting:
For configuring Geofence access settings, refer to the displayed screen below.
Step 1. Choose the desired fence type: circular, altitude, or both. Toggle the options for "Report Only" and "RTL or Land" using the provided switch buttons to enable or disable them.
Step 2. Click the Update button to apply the Geofence settings.
Access the following section of the screen to configure fence settings.
Step 1. Enable or disable the relevant fence types—altitude, circle, and polygon—using the toggle buttons provided. The user can select all or anyone from the given options depending on the requirements of the application.
Step 2. Choose the appropriate fence action from the available list: "Report Only" or "RTL or Land".
Step 3. Configure the fence you wish to activate or deactivate. Specify a valid fence margin and total polygon points for the fence.
Step 4. Select the Update Button to apply the values that were set in the previous steps. Confirmation will be provided through a dialog indicating that the parameters have been sent.
iv. Arming Checks:
The displayed screen presents vehicle arming check configurations.
On this screen, you have the option to select all Arming Checks (ARMING_CHECK) by checking the appropriate boxes for Barometer, Compass, GPS lock, INS, Parameters, RC Channels, Board voltage, Battery Level, Airspeed, Logging Available, Hardware safety switch, GPS Configuration, and System. Alternatively, you can choose specific arming checks based on your application's requirements. After making your selections on the screen, press the "Update" button to apply and send the parameters to the drone.
Subsequently, a confirmation dialog will appear, indicating that the parameters have been successfully sent to the vehicle.
If your drone is equipped with a safety parachute, you can configure its settings from the displayed screen.
This section allows you to configure advanced safety settings, specifically parachute ejection.
Step 1. Enable the parachute system, select the parachute type, turn on the parachute servo, set the parachute servo off state, define the minimum altitude for parachute deployment, specify the parachute delay, and establish the critical sink rate for parachute activation.
Step 2. Select the Update Button to apply the values that were set in the previous steps. Confirmation will be provided through a dialog indicating that the parameters have been sent.
In this setting section, you can configure terrain settings for your drone. The displayed screen presents the available options for terrain settings.
Step 1. Configure terrain settings by enabling or disabling it using the "Enable" toggle option. Choose whether to follow the terrain by toggling the "Follow" switch button. Set the terrain radius as needed.
Step 2. Select the Update Button to apply the values that were set in the previous steps. Confirmation will be provided through a dialog indicating that the parameters have been sent.
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