3.2.2 Establishing Drone Connection for Configuration

"Master the art of drone configuration through our guide: 'Establishing Drone Connection for Configuration.'"

3.2.2 Establishing Drone Connection for Configuration:

For a flight to proceed seamlessly, the drone must reliably interpret and react to Remote Control (RC) commands. This mandates a sound connection between the drone, Ground Control Station (GCS), and RC. The connection is wireless, necessitating the user to input pertinent details for effective drone-software interaction.

Within AeroGCS Config, the user is presented with several avenues to facilitate drone connectivity. These options encompass the subsequent mechanisms for establishing the vital communication link between the drone and the software.

Drone connectivity can be established through the following:

Setting Communication Links through available options from Serial, TCP, UDP, and Bluetooth. Establishing Drone Connection via Serial Port:

Follow these steps to establish a connection with the drone using the serial port:

As illustrated in the screen below, choose the "Serial" option from the dropdown list and proceed to configure the parameters.

Serial Port Communication

Serial Port Settings: -

Within the serial port settings, users can establish a device connection through serial communication. Moreover, users hold the flexibility to adjust baud rates based on specific requirements before initiating the device connection.

  1. Serial Port Selection: Choose a serial port from the provided drop-down list. Opting for the correct serial port is essential to ensure the establishment of a reliable communication link.

  2. Baud Rate: In the realm of computer communication, digital data is exchanged between devices via transmission media using bits. When it comes to data transfer, you can seamlessly send and receive data without the need to configure intricate details. The baud rate corresponds to the pace at which information moves within a communication channel. It signifies the frequency of signal element alterations or transitions per second as data traverses through a transmission medium. A higher baud rate translates to accelerated data transmission and reception speeds.

Baud rate = Number of signal elements/total time (in seconds)

Baud rate holds significance, particularly in serial communication. Within the context of a serial port, the term "9600 baud" indicates that the serial port can facilitate the transfer of up to 9600 bits within a single second.

  1. Data Bits Overview: Data bits in serial communication carry a range of information, including device commands, sensor readings, and error messages. Both text (ASCII) and binary data can serve as carriers. Commonly, serial ports employ five to eight data bits. Typically, eight bits of binary data are transmitted, while text data can utilize seven or eight bits. In ASCII, seven bits are required for the 27- or 128-characters present, with the eighth bit set to 0. For extended ASCII, accommodating 28 or 256 characters necessitates using all eight bits.

  2. Parity: Parity, an error-checking method, enforces a consistent count of 1s – either even or odd – within each error-free bit group transmitted. Before modem-to-modem communication, both sending and receiving parties typically establish parity as a shared parameter, crucial for initiating successful transmission.

  3. Data Flow Control:

Data Flow

  1. RTS/CTS Protocol: The Request to Send (RTS) / Clear to Send (CTS) protocol employs a single wire in each direction, facilitating a handshaking technique. This allows devices to signal one another about their readiness to accept data at any given moment. Essentially, this technique informs the modem that the host is primed to transmit data, consequently establishing a communication channel. RTS conveys the host's intention to send data, while CTS conveys the authorization to commence data transmission.

  2. XON/XOFF Flow Control: XON/XOFF, also referred to as Software Flow Control, are control characters integral to data transmission. In this context, XOFF serves as a signal from the receiving device to halt transmission from the sending device. Conversely, the XON character is dispatched to indicate the device's readiness to recommence operation. Establishing Drone Connection via TCP:

Within the TCP communication configuration, users can define the host address, listing port, target address, and target port. Depending on specific needs, users can input the desired values. s shown in the Following Screen.

Connection Using TCP

  1. Host Address: This pertains to the address of the host computer used for the control and monitoring of the drone. Users have the option to modify it; otherwise, it can remain unchanged. (For local Computer IP Address is

  2. Listening Port: This refers to the address of the connected device within the system. Users can opt to modify this address or leave it unchanged. (For Mission Planner port no is either 5762 or 5763).

Upon entering the designated IP Address and port number, subsequent activation of the Connect Button will establish a TCP protocol-based connection with the drone. This action will trigger the appearance of a screen indicating the ongoing progress of the connection process.

TCP Connection Progress

Following a successful connection, a notification confirming "Connection Successful" will be displayed, accompanied by a change in the color of the top bar of the screen to a vibrant green hue. Establishing Drone Connection via UDP:

The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) functions as a protocol within the Transport Layer. It is an integral component of the Internet Protocol suite, commonly known as the UDP/IP suite. Differing from TCP, UDP is characterized by its lack of reliability and connectionless nature. Therefore, it eliminates the requirement for prior connection establishment before initiating data transmission.

Much like establishing a connection using TCP, the process of establishing a connection using UDP entails entering the IP Address and Port number, as exemplified in the subsequent screen.

Connection Using UDP

Initiating the Connect Button triggers the display of a connection progress screen, mirroring the presentation observed while connecting the drone using a TCP connection.

Following a successful connection, a notification confirming "Connection Successful" will be displayed, accompanied by a change in the color of the top bar of the screen to a vibrant green hue. Establishing Drone Connection via Bluetooth:

Users have the option to establish connections with Bluetooth-based devices, such as Skydroid. To achieve this, the user needs to activate both Bluetooth and, if necessary, location services on their device.

Bluetooth Connection

Initiating the "Scan" button prompts the system to search for accessible Bluetooth devices. This scanning process encompasses all available devices, and the resultant list will be showcased within the "Bluetooth Devices" section. Users can then opt for the desired device for pairing with the AeroGCS Config Ground Control System (GCS), subsequently facilitating the connection process. As Shown in the Following Screen

Bluetooth Devices Scanning

To Stop the Bluetooth device scanning process, choose the "Stop" option.

Choose the preferred Bluetooth device for connection, then press the "Connect" button to establish the device connection.

Following a successful connection, a notification confirming "Connection Successful" will be displayed, accompanied by a change in the color of the top bar of the screen to a vibrant green hue. Elevate Your Communication Link with Advanced Settings:

Tap the "Advanced" button on the Drone Connection Screen to access and configure advanced settings. Telemetry settings can be adjusted within the Advanced Settings section, which remains consistent across all connection types. Ensure all necessary parameters are configured, or retain the defaults, as illustrated in the accompanying screen.

Advanced Telemetry Settings

The above image illustrates advanced communication settings for device interaction. Various parameters can be adjusted based on the device's available hardware components. These parameters are as follows:

1. Altitude: Configure the telemetry-connected altitude.

2. Position: Specify the telemetry position by selecting a desired value from the dropdown menu.

3. Mode/Status: Set the telemetry mode or status according to the overall system configuration. Choose mode/status values from the dropdown menu.

4. RC: Choose the channel where the RC (Remote Control) is linked. Select the appropriate value from the dropdown menu.

5. Sensor: Determine the desired sensor configuration by selecting an option from the dropdown menu.

6. Disconnection Time: Establish the period of inactivity after which the telemetry link will be deactivated. This time should always be less than 180 seconds.

7. Connect Reset: Check this box to initiate a connection reset with the telemetry link.

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